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8 Tips For Designing An Effective Digital Adoption Policy

Digital Adoption Policy

There’s a policy for everything these days.

Retail companies have a returns policy. Since GDPR, even the smallest businesses have updated their privacy policy. And you’d be hard pressed to find an enterprise without a social media policy.

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How many organizations have got their digital adoption policy sorted?

We’d wager not that many.

What is a digital adoption policy?

Your digital adoption policy is a statement and, in some cases, step-by-step process of how to achieve your technology adoption goals.

It is a document that ensures consistent action across the business in situations that involve learning to use technology; for example:

  • Onboarding new hires
  • Introduction of new technology to existing employees
  • Navigational, feature, and version updates to existing technology

Why it’s essential to create an effective digital adoption policy

Policies are an essential component of any functioning business. They’re important because they address pertinent issues and outline a clear course of action should such an issue arise.

Digital adoption is possibly the single most important factor in an organization’s digital transformation. And since 89% of enterprises have plans to adopt or have already adopted a digital-first business strategy, a solid digital adoption policy should be next on the agenda.

Using a clear digital adoption policy and procedure ensures that decision makers are consistent in their actions.

Leading Digital Adoption Provider WalkMe states that failure to create and execute a consistent digital adoption policy can result in:

8 tips for nailing your digital adoption policy

1. Don’t wait

A digital adoption policy is one of those digital must-haves the creation of which should be your number 1 priority. So, get started right away.

If you use any sort of technology within your organization, or you plan to, you need to have this policy in place because adoption should be prepared for and budgeted well before the technology lands at the office.

You need to take a user-focused approach to adoption. It’s not just a matter of plugging technology in and turning it on. Take into account the people, process and structural changes needed to make adoption a success. Budget for the necessary communication and training.

2. Collaborate with decision makers organization-wide

Your digital adoption process or policy should be a collaborative, business-wide effort. CIOs should engage HR, training, and organizational development people early on to get their input and buy-in. Encourage them to take a leadership role and commit to bringing digital dexterity to their teams.

3. Make it positive

Developing your digital adoption policy should be a positive experience and representative of your organization’s forward-thinking approach and commitment to digital transformation.

Make sure to include processes for rewarding, recognizing, and celebrating digital success. Use multiple incentives to foster adoption, not just financial ones. Factor in numerous forms of employee engagement to introduce and cement the idea of digital within organizational culture.

4. Make senior people accountable

It’s important that the organization’s key decision makers, including the CEO, understand the importance of the digital policy.

In today’s enterprises, technology decisions need to be led by the business. Business leaders need to be supportive of digital innovations and accountable for their implementation.

5. Ensure it’s accessible and understandable by all

Yes, the policy covers technology implementation and its adoption, but it must be easily understandable by all. Ditch the tech speak, use common language to all departments of the business, and make it relatable to the entire workforce.

In order to achieve organization-wide digital dexterity, everyone must have an aptitude and understanding for the benefits and procedures for digital adoption.

6. Bake flexibility into the policy

Your policy must not be rigid. You need to incorporate flexibility into it in order to stay agile and relevant. Ensure there are steps in place to allow for changes to be incorporated based on feedback and any issues that arise.

7. Put technology at the center

Regular training is going to be key to successful digital adoption, but the costs and ROI associated with traditional training methods make it prohibitive.

Technology offers the solution to this problem. Digital Adoption Platforms are specifically designed to facilitate and accelerate adoption by providing real-time contextualized training to users familiarizing themselves with technology.  

8. Make communication a priority

Clear, consistent, visionary communication is essential during any period of change, and that includes technology adoption. So provisions should be made for good communication within the digital adoption policy.

It is important for employees and management to stay updated with the opportunities, successes, and challenges faced during the adoption process. It’s up to business leaders to ensure that their staff are learning and benefiting from the capabilities and features of their technology.

Follow these 8 tips when creating your digital adoption policy and you’re on your way to digital transformation success.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.