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4 Reasons To Start Using A Digital Adoption Platform For Salesforce® Right Away

Digital Adoption Platform For Salesforce®

If you want your enterprise to win in the digital revolution, rapid and capable adoption of digital tools is critical.

Smart businesses are opting to use a tool to ensure the successful adoption of complex enterprise software, like your CRM. It’s high time you started using a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce®.   

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Why you’re doing the right thing prioritizing digital adoption

The Adobe 2016 Future of Work Report tells us that employees want state-of-the-art technology. In fact, they rate it far more highly than stuff like office amenities.

However, simply having digital tools in place is not enough. When no attention is given to the adoption of those tools, employees can quickly become frustrated and disengaged.

This disengagement inevitably leads to churn. According to Gallup, only 32% of US employees are engaged at their jobs. They do the bare minimum required and are more likely to leave the company for a new job.

By contrast, actively engaged employees are “involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work.”

“Gallup’s extensive research shows that employee engagement is strongly connected to business outcomes essential to an organization’s financial success […]

Engaged employees support the innovation, growth and revenue that their companies need.”


So successful adoption of tools like Salesforce® can have a direct impact on financial performance by boosting employee engagement.

4 reasons to start using a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce®

It’s clear that adoption must be a priority for enterprises right now. Here are four reasons why you need a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce® in your enterprise.

1. You need better ROI

If you’re not achieving your Salesforce® goals and getting maximum ROI, it’s a sure sign you need a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).

If you’ve just implemented Salesforce® within your enterprise and it’s not getting the desired results, or it is but not quickly enough, poor adoption is likely to be the cause.

“With 75% of organizations failing to achieve expected business outcomes because of poor user adoption and decreased productivity, there is a clear need for smooth software transitions.”


The DAP boosts employee productivity because they’re able to use Salesforce® to its fullest potential. This has a direct impact on business performance. Employees can complete tasks efficiently and hit their targets, while you enjoy maximum ROI for your software.    

2. You want to speed up onboarding

Every enterprise wishes it could accelerate the onboarding process to tools like Salesforce®. That’s why a DAP is essential.

The Digital Adoption Platform speeds up time-to-competency when employees need it most — when they’ve just started with the company. So even novice Salesforce® users can become productive and proficient in no time at all.

This makes them feel like part of the team quicker, and allows them to use their sales skills sooner. In effect, the DAP fosters organizational growth by producing Salesforce® proficiency through its contextual engagement and step-by-step guidance.

3. You need to reduce employee turnover

A new hire report by Kronos shows that “[poor] onboarding…threatens to disengage enthusiastic employees during their crucial first weeks on the job.”

Employees with fantastic potential who have never used Salesforce® before could disengage from the business as a result of not being able to use the platform properly. The DAP prevents this from happening by providing a seamless onboarding experience.

Implementing a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce® could in fact equate to better employee retention.  

4. You want to reduce Support calls

Salesforce® is a staple for enterprises and a sophisticated CRM. But powerful tools can sometimes be complex. If your employees are struggling to use Salesforce® properly, your help desk is going to be swamped with tickets.

Getting a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce® reduces the number of requests by delivering a seamless user experience (UX).  

If employees are frustrated with the platform, it’s because they’re experiencing UX problems.  

These barriers can be overcome by the DAP, which simplifies the user experience with on-screen instructions to guide users to task completion.

“[The DAP] eliminates the need for job aid documents and has significantly reduced the case submissions to our Salesforce® support team. We love the on demand support it offers!”

Jessica Klonowski, Salesforce® Change Management & Enablement Architect, Rogers Communications

Getting a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce® is the smart choice

A staple for organizations big and small, Salesforce® is recognized as a sophisticated CRM tool, and because of this it benefits from a powerful adoption tool.

It can be challenging to find up-to-date and impactful ways to onboard employees successfully and raise employee productivity. As part of your software adoption plan, using a Digital Adoption Platform for Salesforce® will result in your enterprise obtaining the expected benefits now and over time

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.