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Top 21 Digital Transformation and Digital Adoption News Hubs

Digital Adoption News

Where are the best places to get your digital transformation and digital adoption news?

These two topics are important trends in today’s business world.

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Staying on the pulse of today’s changing economy is critical for every business professional – not just those in technology industries.

Below, we’ll cover:

  • Where to get your news
  • Which blogs are best
  • How to stay on top of news without being overwhelmed

Let’s get started.

Where to Get Digital Transformation and Digital Adoption News

There are a few types of resources that professionals can go to for digital transformation news, digital adoption news, and technology news.

The first is the most obvious:

Media Outlets

There are a number of media outlets that cover technology news and digital transformation topics.

Here are some of the best ones that cover digital transformation and adoption news:

  • TechRepublic – TechRepublic is a blog designed for IT professionals, covering some of the most relevant IT and tech trends.
  • Forbes – Forbes is leading media publication that covers a wide range of topics, including digital transformation, technology, business trends, and more.
  • CNET – CNET is a popular technology publication that has been around for a long time, which covers product news, reviews, and trends.
  • ZDNet – ZDNet also covers technology news and trends, ranging from security news to product news.
  • TechCrunch – TechCrunch is a very popular website that tends to cover startups and tech businesses.
  • VentureBeat – VentureBeat, like ZDNet and CNET, publishes news, analysis, and similar content.
  • Business Insider – Business Insider is a news company that also publishes original research for a range of industries, including technology.

These are just some of the most prominent.

The mixture mentioned above will help you stay tuned to a mix of product news, business news, trends, and research.

However, for more in-depth research, tune in to some of the blogs mentioned below.

Company Blogs

To truly stay on the edge of the wave of digital transformation, it’s best to follow industry leaders.

Below are some of the biggest players in their respective industries. 

They cover some of the most cutting-edge topics surrounding digital adoption, digital transformation, digital marketing, technology, and more.

  • Accenture – Accenture is a thought leader in the space of digital transformation, adoption, digital business, and other areas. 
  • Google – Google, of course, is an excellent resource for up-to-date digital transformation news, through Think with Google and its other business blogs.
  • Salesforce – Salesforce is the world-famous CRM software, which provides a great deal of original research, both academic and business.
  • Adobe – Adobe is behind a suite of products that range from design to marketing tools, and their research reports offer excellent insight into digital transformation and technology trends.
  • Oracle – Oracle’s business blogs focus on everything from cloud computing to the impact of technology on specific sectors, such as finance or marketing.
  • WalkMeWalkMe, the company that pioneered the digital adoption platform (DAP), has articles that cover digital adoption trends, digital transformation, the user experience, employee experience management, and more.

These industry leaders are excellent resources for research, thought leadership, ideas, and innovative content.

There are certainly more – but these six can serve as a good launchpad.

Specialized Blogs and Research Blogs

Another excellent source of research are actual research firms, such as academic institutions and research companies.

Here are some of the best blogs to follow:

  • MIT Technology Review – MIT is a must-read blog for anyone interested in cutting-edge technology articles.
  • HfS – The tech research firm HfS offers deep insights into technology trends, vendors, industries, and more.
  • Deloitte – Deloitte, another famous research firm, issues original research on technology, digital transformation trends, and more.
  • McKinsey – McKinsey, one of the most famous research firms in the world, publishes original content on many topics, including digital transformation, technology, and future trends.
  • Gartner – Gartner, like McKinsey, publishes market research and analyses on cutting-edge trends, technologies, and so on.
  • Altimeter – Altimeter is a research firm that performs research focusing on digital transformation, social business strategy, innovation, and more.
  • – Digital Adoption Hub, as the name implies, is a hub for everything digital adoption, from news to research to analysis.
  • – Of course, our own digital adoption blog is a must-read for those who want the latest digital adoption news, digital transformation news, and other trends that impact the modern workforce.

Of course, all of the blogs we’ve covered so far just scratch the surface of what’s out there.

But how do you stay on top of digital adoption news without suffering from information overload?

Staying On Top of the News without Being Overwhelmed

The bottom line is that most professionals are too busy to check blog after blog, website after website.

There’s simply not enough time in the day. 

And even when you do have time, how do you stay organized?

The best approach is automation.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Search alerts. Search alerts, such as Google Alerts or Talkwalker Alerts, crawl the web for you on a daily or weekly basis. When a new article is published that matches your query, they send the links straight to your inbox. For instance, if you create an alert for “digital adoption” then these alert services will send a list of matching articles to your inbox.
  • Feed readers. Feed readers, such as Feeder or Feedly, automatically read RSS feeds from websites. They then collect and display that content in a single dashboard. To read updates from your favorite blogs, all you have to do is visit the feed reader and all of those RSS updates will be collected in one place.
  • Email subscriptions. Another simple option is to subscribe to email newsletters for all of your blogs. Most websites offer email newsletter subscriptions, making it easy to keep track of new articles and content updates.

For busy professionals, tools such as these are invaluable.

Automating your news collection can help you stay informed, without overloading your already-busy schedule.

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