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Common Nightmares Solved By Your Onboarding App

Onboarding App

Nightmares solved by an onboarding app? You might not know what we’re talking about initially but by the end of this blog post, you’ll kick yourself for not acting sooner.

When onboarding software is correctly implemented, it can enhance the operations of a company. It’s one of the main digital tools your company should use to introduce employees and customers to the company’s way of conducting business.

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Why is the onboarding app necessary?

Because the initial stages of introducing an employee or customer to technology are critical. If neither is able to become an effective user, quickly, they’ll lose interest and potentially churn.

2 issues that will keep you up at night without an onboarding app

1. The “it’s too hard” syndrome

Generally speaking, app users are lazy. However user-friendly an app is designed to be, if users aren’t instantly experts they’re unlikely to persist until they are.

In fact, 90% of users will use a new application once and never open it again. If there’s too much friction in the onboarding journey, users will give up; there are no second chances.

The onboarding app provides a simple solution to enterprises that pour millions of dollars into implementing digital tools but achieve poor ROI.

Even the most reluctant, digital-laggard users will become proficient in no time at all if they’re guided by the onboarding app.

There’s no need to leave the application, Google their questions, or contact the helpdesk. All the personalized help they need is provided by the onboarding software.

Not being able to onboard customers to your digital tools quickly is a serious threat to your business. But it’s equally concerning when staff members are slow to adopt enterprise apps.

Organizations that fail to provide training as part of their onboarding process can expect to lose a massive 60% of their workforce within 4 years.

Onboarding platforms solve this problem by implementing training in real-time within the app itself.

2. Information overload

One of the worst things about the onboarding process is information overload. For example, you’re introducing a new hire to the enterprise’s processes and digital tools — this is a process that could take several days because there’s so much to learn.

Enterprise employees are using more applications than ever before. Communication tools, time tracking tools, CRMs, HCMs — the list goes on.

It’s easy for new hires to feel overwhelmed by this information in the first days of their employment, when they’re trying to understand their role’s reports, duties, and responsibilities too.

Sarah Wetzel, Director of Human Resources at engage:BDR, believes onboarding is the most critical time in a new hire’s journey. “I truly believe that onboarding is an art. Each new employee brings with them a potential to achieve and succeed. To lose the energy of a new hire through poor onboarding is an opportunity lost.”

Onboarding apps keep new employee enthusiasm and energy high by promoting and enabling independence from day one.

Employees are able to bring themselves up to speed without having to rely on colleagues or worrying that they’re losing too much time to onboarding.  

Digital Adoption Platform (DAP): ultimate onboarding app

16% of new employees think about leaving their new company within the first week.  This can be attributed to weak engagement during the onboarding process.

This is where your Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) comes in.

The DAP is designed to keep users excited about using digital tools and enterprise apps. It enables users to become productive, efficient, and effective using these tools, immediately.

The DAP can overlay onto any digital system personalized training bubbles, help, and pointers that are adapted to each user’s specific needs. The messages are automatic, delivered by AI that learns user behavior and anticipates their needs.

From the moment the user logs into their software, the DAP is already there to facilitate the user experience. This keeps the user engaged, focused, and motivated to perform their necessary tasks.

This improves retention and productivity dramatically.

There is no risk of overloading users with information. Guidance is provided in bite-size pieces as and when necessary, in app so that it can be applied immediately.

This sort of “learning by doing” training is known to be extremely effective.

DAP can be customized to fit the specific needs of the company, even to the level of the individual users. Using sophisticated technology, it provides deep insights into user adoption, including where people are struggling to complete goals.

The DAP also minimizes human error by auto-completing data entry and other repetitive, laborious tasks on behalf of the user. This improves efficiency, productivity, and performance.

So don’t treat your digital onboarding as an after-thought. Use a DAP to solve common teething problems and improve retention.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.