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How to Manage Digital Adoption Projects: 5 Tips and Tactics

Digital adoption projects

Digital adoption projects have become a mainstay in the modern workplace, so it is critical to learn how to manage those projects effectively.

Organizations that can adopt new technology efficiently and effectively will be better able to keep up in today’s fast-paced economy. Those that are slower to adapt, on the other hand, will have a harder time thriving in the years ahead, which will be defined by rapid change and digital evolution.

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Below, we’ll explore a few tips and techniques that can help managers get better results from their digital adoption projects.

How to Manage Digital Adoption Projects: 5 Tips and Tactics

Here are a few strategies that can help managers improve the outcomes of their digital adoption initiatives:

1. Learn from digital adoption experts

Digital adoption is an emerging business discipline that will become more and more important in the years to come. The digital revolution, after all, has yet to end and some experts predict that the biggest changes still lie ahead of us.

To properly prepare for the digital future, it is best to learn from those who are pioneers in digital adoption and transformation.

WalkMe, for instance, developed the digital adoption platform (DAP), a tool that streamlines software onboarding and training, making them an ideal source for information and insights on digital adoption.

Those interested in learning from WalkMe have several options:

The effective management of digital adoption projects depends first and foremost upon one’s skills and knowledge, so it is a good idea to invest in learning as early as possible.

2. Use digital adoption platforms (DAPs)

Digital adoption platforms (DAPs), as mentioned above, are software platforms designed to streamline user onboarding and training.

Through features such as automated in-app walkthroughs and product tours, they allow users to learn software without the need for human oversight.

Used in an enterprise setting, DAPs can significantly boost important employee metrics, such as:

  • Productivity
  • Performance
  • Time-to-competency

At the same time, they also reduce software-related frustration and resistance to the adoption of new software.

Since today’s workplace is driven by digital technology, tools such as these are becoming more and more relevant with each passing year. And, as we will see next, they will become even more important in the years ahead.

3. Understand the future of work

Over the past several decades, digital technology has revolutionized society and the economy. But the digital revolution is far from over – in fact, many argue that we are still in the early stages.

In the years ahead, for instance, we can expect to see a number of new technologies affect the workplace, such as:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Business process automation
  • Robotics
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality
  • Cloud computing

In the same way that the internet and mobile devices transformed the workplace, we can expect to see similar changes from these technologies. Success in tomorrow’s economy will depend heavily on how well an organization can adopt new technology and keep up with the changing digital ecosystem, just as it does today.

4. Plan for the post-COVID “Next Normal”

COVID-19 has had many implications for business, one of which is the global acceleration of digital transformation.

Companies around the world, for instance, were forced to adopt new technologies, such as remote working software, cloud computing tools, and more. Those businesses that were able to adapt swiftly were better able to weather the unexpected crisis, and the same will hold true in the post-COVID era.

Many experts agree, after all, that the world has been permanently altered by the COVID-19 crisis, so it is important to understand how the pandemic will reshape the business landscape.

McKinsey, for instance, suggests that COVID-19 will bring about permanent changes to the economy and society. These changes will result, they claim, in a new paradigm, which they call “the next normal.”

Among other things, business leaders should plan for:

  • Changes to customer sentiment and behavior
  • New regulations and rules around public health
  • More remote working
  • Accelerated investment in disruptive innovation

In short, it is important to step up digital adoption efforts and plan for a post-COVID world that is more digital, more innovative, and more fast-paced.

5. Pivot now

The acceleration of innovation and disruption that we have seen during 2020 will likely continue for some time to come, so it is important to take action and invest in digital tools now.

Though marketplace volatility can cause many business leaders to hesitate, that indecision could become very costly.

After all, if businesses fail to keep pace with an evolving economy, they could very easily be at a competitive disadvantage.

Rather than waiting, business leaders should reimagine their business strategies for a digital-first economy, create innovative digital adoption projects, and begin implementing those strategies as soon as possible.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.