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How to Accelerate Workplace Training with DAP, 2020 and Beyond

Dap 2020

For employee training and digital adoption platforms – or the DAP – 2020 is a pivotal year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working quickly became a major trend that reshaped the entire global workplace.

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Almost overnight, companies began implementing telecommuting policies, which required managers to:

  • Learn how to manage a remote workforce
  • Adopt new remote working tools
  • Train workers remotely

Employee training tools such as digital adoption platforms had already been rising in popularity over the past several years, since they deliver productivity benefits either on-site or remotely.

But in 2020, DAPs became even more critical for the virtual workplace.

Below, we’ll learn what DAPs are, how they benefit organizations, and why they will become even more important in the years ahead.

Employee Training with DAP: 2020, 2021, and Beyond

To better understand why digital adoption platforms (DAPs) have become so important, let’s examine how the digital revolution is affecting the business world.

From Digitization to Digital Transformation

What is digitization?

Digitization refers to the changeover from analog business processes and assets to digital ones.

A few examples include:

  • Storing data in digital records instead of paper records
  • Using accounting software for bookkeeping
  • Transitioning from fax to email

Digitization, however, only represents the first step in the journey towards full digital maturity.

To participate and compete in the digital economy, companies must learn to use technology in new ways.

Digital transformation is the use of digital technology to modify or create new business processes, products, customer experiences, and strategies to deliver new forms of value.

Among other reasons, companies will pursue digital transformation initiatives in order to:

  • Gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace
  • Improve organizational effectiveness and employee performance
  • Adapt to the changing dynamics of the economy

Digital transformation, digitization, and digital adoption have all become crucial agenda items in the modern business, especially in 2020.

Digital Adoption in 2020 and Beyond

As mentioned, 2020 has been a pivotal year in the global economy, since COVID-19 accelerated many digital trends that have been existence for some time.

To keep up in 2020, for instance, companies must adopt technology such as:

  • Automation
  • Cloud computing
  • Remote working software
  • Remote-capable training solutions

Digital adoption – the integration and utilization of technology to its fullest extent – is not easy, however.

To efficiently and profitably integrate new tools into the workplace, users must be onboarded and trained as effectively and economically as possible.

Since DAPs are one of the most effective training solutions on the market, we should expect to see an upward growth curve over the next several years.

Why Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) Growth Will Only Go Up

2020 is a watershed moment in terms of digital transformation, but we have yet to see the true extent of the this technological revolution.

In the years ahead, we will see even more adoption of technology that is emerging today, such as:

  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence

As technologies such as these enter the mainstream, innovation and disruption will further reshape the economy and pressure organizations to adapt – and those that cannot adapt will be left behind.

In short, digital adoption will become a core feature of tomorrow’s enterprise, which will fuel the growth of DAPs.

Why DAPs Are Superior to Other Training Solutions

Organizations have several options when it comes to onboarding and training employees, including:

  • Classroom training
  • Video courses
  • One-on-one coaching and training
  • Text-based teaching

With the advancement of digital technology, however, comes new possibilities and methods of training.

Training software such as DAPs exploit the latest digital advances to enable in-app training, which completely shifts the training landscape.

For instance:

  • DAPs provide walkthroughs directly inside applications, allowing employees to gain training that is on-demand and hands-on
  • Users learn only the skills they need in the moment, which reduces waste and vastly improves the user experience
  • Since DAPs are automated, employees can learn job skills at their own pace, without the need for human intervention

DAPs benefit organizations by improving employee productivity, shortening learning curves, and, ultimately, boosting software ROI.

Perhaps these advantages are the reason why firms such as 451 Research and Gartner are highlighting the importance of DAPs.

Final Thoughts

Given the dominant digital trends in 2020, business leaders should pay close attention to them moving forward.

After all, some research firms, such as McKinsey, predict that the post-COVID world will look far different from the pre-2020 era.

According to these predictions, there will be far more uncertainty and volatility, at least for a period of time. However, these conditions will open up new opportunities for growth and expansion – as long as companies are ready to exploit those opportunities.

Since digital transformation and maturity depend on successful adoption, business leaders would do well to investigate the potential of DAPs.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.