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How To Adopt Digital Transformation

How To Adopt Digital Transformation

Cultivating Digital Transformation Is Not Without Challenges

Cultivating Digital Transformation Is Not Without Challenges

What digital tools are needed to drive digital adoption? What part do organizational factors play in adopting digital transformation initiatives? What challenges need to be considered by the individual planning to adopt a digital transformation?

We resolve these queries when looking at the factors involved in why challenges occur and solutions. Firstly, we will look at creating a successful digital transformation strategy via digital adoption.

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Creating a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy Via Digital Adoption

Creating a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy Via Digital Adoption

When adopting a digital transformation, the planner must consider many factors. Any digital transformation strategy will be unsuccessful without considering these factors and implementing them in a meaningful way. 

Firstly, we will look at how to assemble the right team in which successful digital adoption strategies can take place.

Source The Right Team

Appropriately qualified and experienced team members are essential for digital transformation success. Let’s look at ten vital roles, starting with the enterprise data architect or chief data officer.

The chief transformation officer (CTO)

This role is indispensable for achieving success in a digital transformation strategy despite the added expense of enrolling a CTO. If possible, hiring in-house is preferred, as relationships are key here, and the newly appointed CTO will already have respect from colleagues.

The enterprise data architect/ chief data officer

Within an enterprise-level company, a data architect is necessary for configuring data. A chief data officer is a similar role.

The database administrator

The administration of databases is an essential aspect of digital transformation projects due to the need for diligent organization and filing. These responsibilities fall to the database administrator.

The business process expert

Awareness of processes, why they are essential, and what to do during process disruption are all parts of a business processes expert’s knowledge base. 

The chief digital officer (CIO)

The chief digital officer (CIO) is at the core of all digital transformations on the ground. CIOs coordinate all the digital processes, improve training effectiveness and maintain due diligence of all digital systems.

The cloud architect

Knowledge and cloud experience is essential to running any business strategy today. The cloud architect is on the front lines of such processes.

The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) lead

The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) lead is a cutting-edge role. RPA leads ensure digital adoption strategies fit RPA cost-effectively and meaningfully.

The solution delivery architect

Solution delivery architects design the technical side of implementing a user or customer’s goals. This role is concerned mainly with design and user engagement.

The chief information security officer (CISO)

The need for security has increased hugely due to hybrid working, cyber-attacks, and SaaS (software as a service). These are the reasons many organizations are employing CISOs to counter such risks. 

The User Experience (UX) expert

UX Experts are responsible for using up-to-date user experience research to implement constant improvements essential for successful transformation efforts.

Refine and Test Technical Requirements

The technical requirements of a digital adoption platform must be adequate to ensure success within any business process. Tools, processes, and operations practices involve careful planning before any digital adoption platform is utilized and then audited during the digital adoption of a transformation. 

Seize Transformation Opportunities

In an interview with McKinsey, Dan Antonelli, CEO, and president of Ruiz Foods, speaks about creating plans for digital adoption of transformation during the Covid-19 crisis. One of these was to develop an eight-week digital transformation plan.

Two chief transformation officers (CTO) and weekly cadence meetings occurred for the transformation. Seizing the opportunity meant that what would usually happen in a two- or three-year plan was accomplished more aggressively over a much shorter period. This plan was necessary due to potential losses due to Covid-19.

Implement Key Critical Changes

Change is difficult to implement due to constant business disruption and the complexities of resistance to adapt from team members. However, the difference is critical for any business to remain agile and thrive in a market and economy full of technological and financial shifts.

Firstly, a plan sets out critical changes. Next, the transformation strategy incorporates the changes—finally, recordings of the success of each of the vital modifications. 

Map Our Current Business Model

The first step is mapping the current business model when planning to transform businesses into newer, more effective, and efficient companies. Implementation of the best innovations and technology then takes place. Three common business models are listed below. 

  • Subscription model – Customers pay a monthly fee for service (Netflix)
  • Bundling model – Different items are sold together for cheaper than they would cost individually (Burger King)
  • Freemium model – Users get free service but pay to add features or avoid advertising (Spotify)

Ensure You Hit All Your Targets

The success of an array of different types of companies depends on the technology used among other digital resources for digital adoption efforts. CTOs and CEOs use metrics to measure success and meet goals set for the success of a digital adoption strategy. CEOs set goals for CTOs to communicate to team managers and cascade these to team members.

Digital Transformation Challenges


Digital Transformation Challenges

CEOs can be hesitant to adopt a digital transformation due to many challenges. One of the most widespread and complex challenges is team members’ resistance to adapt to a transformation. However, any digital transformation adoption can succeed with careful planning and correct implementation, resulting in massive gains.

Resistance To Adapt

Many organizations contain team members with various reasons for not wanting to adapt to new technologies within a digital adoption strategy. A few of these reasons are unhelpful practices, lack of understanding, or being used to particular legacy systems.

Communication is the key to overcoming any issue with the employee experience. Ample opportunities for team members to express concerns at every point within key digital adoption strategies are needed. When this has occurred, and team members feel able to come to their manager or digital transformation lead to express concerns, they will begin to prioritize digital adoption.

Resolutions to the challenges of native language and age-related difficulties in engaging with new software solutions occur through training within multiple formats and ongoing support. Personalized training becomes more powerful and embedded, reducing employee resistance to adapt. Once team members understand that new software applications can make their jobs easier, resistance to adapt is improved. 

From issues with traditional training as part of a digital adoption strategy to new software applications, the need to identify problems is high on any CEO’s list regarding resistance to adapting. The need to provide contextual and personalized training is essential for team members to understand the requirements of adopting a digital transformation for the future of small, medium, or large enterprises.

Inadequate Leadership Support

Role-modeling is vital within any organization. Inspiration and morale are essential to driving digital adoption strategies toward success from planning to implementation. Leaders exist at many levels, from influential business leaders to digital leaders to CEOs, CIOS, team managers, and team members training a new intern.

Regular communication within supervision and team meetings is vital for meeting business goals through the correct following of business processes.

Contextual and personalized training demands occur through leaders knowing their staff well. Employee experience is likely to increase if team members feel satisfied receiving proper training content.

Communicating Organizational Culture

We can sum up organizational culture in one word: family. Much as we have a family at home, we have a family in the workplace. Both serve very different roles, but routine is the key to both.

Workplace families can be of different sizes at the organizational and team level. But despite the size, everyday actions such as huddles, team meetings, goal check-ins, and encouraging a culture of frequent praise can go a long way to cementing cohesion in a team.

But don’t forget to include silly behavior like in-jokes, puns of a theme, and other light-hearted ways to keep everyone smiling and laughing together. These lighter moments are priceless at making people feel valued and happy as they work toward shared goals and business outcomes, such as digital initiatives like a transformation strategy.

Team cultures drive organizational cultures because what begins small becomes massive in time. So the critical thing to remember is that culture starts in smaller areas and diffuses to larger spaces. Role-modeling from leaders at every level is also a significant part of this.

Closing The Talent Gap

Digital transformation initiatives are not just about new technology but people. Finding and training or retaining the right staff for the right roles is essential if a CEO successfully drives digital adoption.

Increasing knowledge and skill within specific departments and agencies of a business is relevant for success. A large part of digital adoption involves closing the talent gap between existing and new team members.

The CTO should identify roles needed to adopt digital transformation and ensure these team members are sourced and onboarded before any new strategy occurs. The correct talent mix has a powerful impact on team dynamics and job satisfaction.

In addition, global spending on transformation efforts is more focused on training now than ever before to remain competitive and justify technology spending on specific digital technologies. With all these considerations, closing the talent gap is straightforward.

Upgrade Legacy IT Systems

Specialized legacy systems used in companies have advantages. However, such systems do not facilitate a smooth transition to digital transformation efforts in terms of essential administrative functions. Updated systems should always be in place to ensure technology fits current market needs.

5 Tips For Effective Digital Transformation Adoption in 2022

5 Tips For Effective Digital Transformation Adoption in 2022

We currently exist within a digital age characterized by change. A dizzyingly diverse and ever-growing number of software solutions, an unstable economy affected by a Russian war, and Covid-19 negatively impacting all businesses contribute to uncertainty in the consumer market.

Despite obstacles, such challenges improve business practices every day. How? Through specific approaches, growth and success can occur, beginning with determining where to focus technology processes.

1. Determine Where To Focus Your Technology Processes

Not all processes may require innovation as part of a new strategy. A department may need to consider ERP or CRM as a transformation strategy. Dependent on the type of business process, it may require improvements that a design department is responsible for, which may already have regular software updates.

In liaison with the CTO, the CEO is responsible for deciding where to focus technology processes as part of digital adoption. Such discussion leads to tremendous success, clearer goals, and higher efficiency.

2. Make It About User Centricity

Digital transformation needs to be in line with what motivates users. Therefore, like everything a company does, user-centricity needs to be the core of any digital transformation strategy. Technology requires contextual support for users at every step. For example, companies that provide any service for a mass consumer market need to maintain and update online communication channels to fit current consumer technology.

Within the current digital age, In-app guidance and other steps must ensure complete customer experience delivery. Different approaches, such as the user-first omnichannel approach, can also be valuable to a user-centric philosophy.

3. Exploit Digital Disruption 

Instead of fighting the ever-present effects of digital disruption, companies need to roll with the punches provided by ever-changing technology and changing markets. In this way, exploitation of digital disruption drives digital adoption, forming the basis of new digital transformation efforts.

Digital disruption is an ongoing process that requires the continuing support of team members.

Poor digital adoption does not aim to exploit digital disruption but ignores it, squandering massive opportunities for growth and moving toward a digital adoption platform.

4. Identify and Digitally Adopt Newly Emergent Technology 

Although the biggest VHS rental supplier in the past, Blockbuster did not change to become a streaming service until too late. On the other hand, Netflix began with a DVD-by-post model, adopting then established DVD technology, later shifting entirely to streaming business processes.

This model shift occurred because Netflix identified problems for users, such as getting to a shop to rent movies. Users wanted to have DVDs delivered to them for convenience. By anticipating this need and meeting the demand with newly emergent technologies, Netflix became the first large streaming platform for movies and TV.

When Netflix moved entirely to a streaming service, they were able to boost user engagement and improve its customer experience, slowly establishing the new streaming trend over time, which has blossomed into a trillion-dollar industry today. This new market was possible due to Netflix adopting and developing streaming technology.

For business processes today, newly emergent technology is more likely to incorporate:-

  • New software solution
  • Automation/ machine learning
  • The cloud
  • Artificial intelligence

These digital changes improve transformational value and innovation as new technology is digitally adopted. This adoption translates into increased operational efficiency via the full range of digital transformation. 

5. Understand Success Won’t Happen Overnight

Frustration and resentment can result from all team members when goals are unmet. Careful coordination by the CTO, creating a clear picture of goals by time frame, and contingency plans can prevent this.

Key performance indicators and expected results communicated in diverse and accessible ways via internal newsletters, different types of meetings, and word of mouth can be effective ways to achieve this. If team members feel involved and aware of what is happening in a company, they may be more likely to feel motivated to contribute to its success.

Digital Transformation Is People-Powered

Digital Transformation Is People-Powered

The adoption of digital transformation is composed of many different aspects. But for forward-thinking companies, digital adoption is about people. Without the team members to drive digital adoption, there is no company. This emphasis on people-power is why employee experience is imperative.

Without considering team members’ concerns, especially for the potential resistance to adapt, there will be no success in any attempt to adopt a digital transformation. Communication and dialogue are essential.

CEOs and CIOs are at the forefront of planning. This plan is where it all begins and, if not implemented correctly, where it could end. Appropriately trained and experienced senior team members are essential for effective planning and contingency planning for all companies to achieve their strategy.

Positive, proactive attitudes toward user-centricity and technology disruption are powerful tools for ensuring success. These tools take many forms, dependent on the type and size of the business.

With these actions implemented, any business will enjoy successfully adopting digital transformation. And for the benefits of this can fortify a business against challenges in the future years to come.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.