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Training and Coaching Solutions for the Digital Enterprise

Training and coaching solutions

Training and coaching solutions are quickly becoming a must-have for the modern digital enterprise.

Since employee productivity depends on their skill levels with business software, a robust training function is essential in the digital workplace.

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In this article, we’ll explore training and coaching solutions in detail, including:

  • Why training is so difficult for digital enterprises
  • Why most training efforts get mediocre results
  • How digital adoption solutions (DAPs) can transform training programs

To start with, let’s learn about modern enterprise training in detail – what it is and why it matters.

Training and Coaching Solutions for the Digital Enterprise

Enterprise training refers to employee training efforts designed to keep employees productive in the workplace.

Why enterprise training is a necessity

However, workplace training is not an option for most organizations, it is a must.

There are several reasons why:

  • Most organizations implement tools, such as software, that are only used in a business setting
  • To be productive at those tools, employees must learn to use them
  • Employers must train their workers on many platforms, such as those that are used exclusively in business settings
  • Organizations and software tools are undergoing continual change, which means that employees must become perpetual learners

To keep up in today’s digital economy, effective training is a requirement, both for organizations and employees.

Why training is so difficult for the modern enterprise

Unfortunately, training is not always a simple proposition.

There are several challenges that an organization must overcome in order to effectively implement training programs:

  • Most traditional training approaches cannot scale
  • People forget information quickly unless they apply it
  • Ineffective training delivers poor results … and frustrates employees
  • Most training solutions can’t keep up with modern enterprise training needs

On top of these issues, many training efforts fail to deliver as expected.

Why most training solutions deliver mediocre results

To be effective, digital training efforts should deliver information quickly and efficiently. They should also be practical and relevant.

However, many employee training programs fail to deliver, due to reasons such as:

  • A lack of interactivity
  • Constant administrative requirements
  • Limited personalization

Overcoming these problems is the first step towards developing training solutions that are both effective and scalable.

Why digital adoption platforms (DAPs) beat other training solutions

Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) are modern training platforms that provide in-product training.

They are UX layers that operate independently of their target platform, which enables them to create training pathways that are completely customized and fully automated.

DAPs outperform other training software – not to mention traditional human-led training approaches – because they are:

  • Interactive
  • Contextual
  • Scalable
  • Immediate
  • Relevant
  • Personalized

There are training solutions that deliver some of the benefits just listed, however most fall short in some area or another.

Online teaching, for instance, can deliver content through webinars, video, text, or a variety of other formats. Because it is on-demand, it can be scaled cost-efficiently.

However, online teaching can only be personalized to a certain extent. 

And productivity dips when users are forced to search for answers on a topic or call technical support.

In contrast, DAPs avoid all of these problems.

How DAPs work

DAPs are, as mentioned, are UX and training layers that operate separately from their target platforms.

What makes them unique is that they deliver training directly inside of software.

They offer a core set of features, including:

  • In-app walkthroughs
  • Contextualized assistance
  • Product tours
  • Software analytics
  • Task automation

In conjunction with a solid digital adoption strategy, DAPs can literally transform an organization’s in-house training efforts.

Since the pace of organizational change will only continue to accelerate in the digital age, organizations that want to remain competitive should implement robust training solutions such as these.

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