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Digital Adoption Platform: The Employee Training Platform Of The Future

Employee Training Platform

What are the greatest employee training challenges every successful enterprise faces? How to get ROI.

Training employees is costly and labor-intensive. And for global enterprises, there are also geographical and time zone barriers with which to contend.

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Online training has helped, for sure. But finding the best employee training platform is still a major undertaking for multinational corporations.

We see the same basic issues in training over and over again. Companies find that traditional classroom training settings are too cumbersome and email training is too slow and not interactive enough.

Another issue with classroom training is that it’s too slow a process to keep up with the pace of regular software updates that are common in today’s digital workplace.

In the last two decades, digital technology has caused major disruptions in the way companies, a) train employees, and, b) keep up with the constant stream of change this technology brings.

Organizations need to implement a digital Employee Training Platform that will accelerate the learning curve for staff and ensure ROI for the business.

Problems with the old type of employee training platform

Historically, companies would introduce an employee training platform with great luster and fanfare, only for it to die out when updates become costly and hard to manage.

Enterprises had a problem: what training solution is there that will be cost-effective in the long run, easy to use and update, and can integrate company wide across multiple applications and systems?

The answer: a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

Successful large enterprises and multinational companies became aware of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) as a solution to this problem.

The DAP was pioneered by WalkMe and is the ideal response to the constant digital change permeating today’s business world.

The DAP integrates these constant digital changes in a way that is personal and customized for the workforce. It is non-threatening and easy for employees to use. It is also tailor-made to each organization’s goals.

Because the DAP is an interactive, guidance layer that provides training in real-time, there’s no real learning or forgetting curve for the employee, as it is integrated right into the application the employee is using.

There’s no need for employees to be pulled away from the application, which serves only to break their concentration and remove whatever training they receive from the context in which it’s going to be useful.

The Digital Adoption Platform does what the name expresses. It allows the employee to adopt whatever digital tools they must use in the most efficient, engaging way possible. It helps them to complete digital tasks while training them simultaneously.

The DAP uses WalkThrus, navigation and task completion suggestions, plus automation and machine learning to help employees move through their to-do list at a quicker pace.

Implementing the Digital Adoption Platform

Companies that invest in the DAP as an employee training platform are making a smart financial decision. The DAP is cost-effective due to the ease with which software updates and system changes can be accommodated and flagged to the user.

In today’s fast-paced digital workplace, this is essential to maintaining a productive workforce.

Implementing a DAP offers business leaders the assurance that digital training will happen, successfully and continuously, because it’s executed in real-time by the platform.

It also provides the workforce with the confidence to learn and proficiently use any system or digital tool. It reduces employee overwhelm and burnout, and is as beneficial to the first time user as it is the most experienced user.

A huge benefit of the DAP is the fact that it’s designed to meet the particular training needs of the end user, rather than the training manager. It’s completely personalized, like a virtual assistant.

And because it’s focused on the user and not merely IT deployment, adoption is more successful.

In effect, the DAP gives the employee a self-directed training program that meets their personal goals and complements their role within the whole company. It’s a personal, digitized, on-demand training system that provides guidance actually at the time of need.

Final words

Large scale enterprises and multinational corporations like Amazon, PayPal, and Upwork, have already joined the employee training revolution by successfully integrating a Digital Adoption Platform.

“[The DAP] allows our Sales Operations team the ability to deliver the right training at precisely the right time. What used to take Sales Operations a 15-30 minute training, can be accomplished with a 2-minute walk-through.”

Jose M. Arroyo, Sr. Administrator, PayPal

They’re seeing fantastic results because they’re able to train their employees faster, smarter, and in a more cost-effective manner. The DAP, as their employee training platform, keeps them one step ahead of the digital curve.  

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.