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Solution Guide: How to Overcome Barriers to Digital Transformation

Technology creates wonders for company’s effectiveness. This happens particularly when it comes to customer engagement.

Both are attached with buyers in current and restoration problems over the internet, making new technology in order to delight consumers. Moreover, when owners build relationships and loyalty, they also have opportunities to increase market share and revenue.

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However, implementing new technology is indeed challenging. Sometimes it feels like there are new software updates and products on the market every five minutes.

Matching to Forrester research, various professionals require the customer-centric and cross-touchpoint insight. Remember, these are necessary to deliver success in the age of the customer.

With the challenges increasing, new touch points to measure, new technologies to master, diminishing budgets and technical skills in short supply.

The following post addresses a couple of the key barriers preventing organizations from reaching their customer engagement potential.

Useful Silos Contend for Rare Resources

Numerous teams contend for funds and assets in a business. These circumstances appear particularly in shared services groups between IT and marketing.

The varying metrics on measuring employees results in competing behaviors. To overcome this barrier, use journey maps to set priorities and break down barriers in company silos.

Moreover, assign staff to cross-functional CX teams instead. It is better than keep them competing for scarce resources.

Customer Data Segregated Across Silos

The corresponding consumer information is usually obtained in each business unit in various ways,. Forrester survey in 2015 claimed that 49 percent of organizations have not executed a strategy to get to a single view of change.

Technical Resources in Downward

When organizations face demands to lower costs in technical funds, they usually turn to using cloud or pulling their technical teams smaller. In fact, almost 60 percent of administrators consider technology planning is a critical gap.

Digital Transformation

To succeed this block, leaders must prioritize enterprise technology by focusing their investments. Additionally, directors need to continuously develop the customer experience.

Some distribution company tries to cost-conscious. However, to move from a digital fossil to a digital master, they had to invest in business technology like a responsive website and a mobile counterpart.

Pushing Products, Not Outcomes

People buy because of emotions. Hence, customer desires are the key as they now expect highly personalized services.

To focus on this problem, set up customer groupings that give attention to desires of specific types of customers. After that, create experiences that deliver these outcomes to the customer, rather than pushing your products and services on them.

The distinction between digital prey and digital predators is the focus on products and services, while the other one focuss on experiences and desires.

Gaps Between IT and the Business

Having a wall between the IT and business side could cause serious dilemmas that affecting the customer experience. It also one of the reasons why many corporations lose their agility and the ability to fully leverage their technology.

Understand the difference between business partners and service providers. It is essential to know that business is not IT. The recommendation is to create a flexible selection that focuses on marketing technology, and put the right leadership in place.

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