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The Truth Behind Digital Adoption Platform Efficiency & Improved Business Performance

Digital Adoption Platform Efficiency

The success and downfall of today’s businesses lies in the hands of digital innovation.

Whether it’s a customer-facing app or a Robotic Process Automation to ease the workload of employees, the modern market dictates that if you want to remain competitive you must be able to adopt new technologies.

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But all this technological progress makes it difficult for employees to remain productive, as so much of their time must now be dedicated to learning new digital tools and systems.

Even worse, your enterprise spends millions on a shiny new app and your customers are unsure how to use it. The solution? Prioritization of efficient digital adoption.

And since we’re talking about digital tools, there is a tool specifically designed to help with this: the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).

For ensuring employee productivity remains high, Digital Adoption Platform efficiency is unparalleled. The same goes for ensuring maximum ROI on new customer technology roll out.

Digital adoption platform efficiency is key to business prosperity

Every enterprise aims for two things:

  1. Employees are delivering maximum quality output
  2. Customers have the very highest quality of experience and return time and again

According to Forbes, 68% of clients would be willing to pay more due to a great experience with a company. Digital adoption platform efficiency is second-to-none at improving the customer experience (CX) of digital applications, systems, and websites.

It also allows your workers to be more productive by auto-completing regular tasks for them and getting them up-to-speed with new enterprise software faster. Think of it as a digital accelerant.

Impact of the DAP on employees

One of the greatest strengths behind Digital Adoption Platform efficiency is training.

As the technology market changes and grows, the burden of dealing with new daily routines lies on the shoulders of your workers. So enterprises spend considerable time and money investing in training and creating materials.

However, Canadian research has found that employers investing in “smart learning systems” will get greater ROI than common class-based lessons.

It’s on this basis that Digital Adoption Platform efficiency is so great. The DAP brings training right to your worker with contextual guidance and personalized support.

DAPs are comparatively cheaper than traditional training methods for multinational corporations and global enterprises, saving money on updating materials, event management, and travel.

There’s also the money the DAP saves by getting employees back to being productive, quicker. Since there’s no learning or forgetting curves with the DAP, employee performance can only go up.

This is why the DAP is also an efficient onboarding tool.

Hiring new employees brings with it many challenges:

  • How to fully engage them from the get-go and make them feel part of the team.
  • How to get them up to speed quickly with business processes and procedures.
  • How to teach them to navigate various enterprise software so they can start doing their job effectively.  

The DAP can manage and overcome these challenges for you. You can then use its in-built Insights afterwards to understand where new hires are struggling in order to improve the process for the future.

Impact of the DAP on customers

The problem with launching new digital products is that if your customers don’t use them properly, they can be a huge waste of resources.

Customer hesitance could be for a range of reasons:

  • They liked the previous platform
  • They don’t understand the benefits
  • They don’t have the time to learn how to use it

Of course, user experience (UX) must remain a high priority for digital providers. So understanding Digital Adoption Platform efficiency is really important. It could transform future technology roll-outs.

Global research done by Ipsos MORI for the UK market shows that the level of basic digital skills in adults drops drastically beyond 45 years of age. But even millennials can benefit hugely from guidance using new technology.

The DAP’s guidance is based on each user’s behavior, so it’s able to provide the best solution and interaction. Whether the guidance is “light” or more substantial, your customers can feel satisfied that they did what they needed to all by themselves.

And your customer support team can enjoy a well-earned break!  

What does the future bring?

Approximately $3.7 billion was spent on corporate technologies in 2018 (Forbes). The sooner enterprises realize that its their adoption, not merely roll out, that impacts employee and business performance, the better.

Organizations must execute a strategy that prioritizes relevant technology implementation as well as user-focused adoption in order to succeed. They must continue to innovate in order to be successful at digital transformation. And since the DAP is there to help you, why not use it?

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.