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DAP For Enterprises: Your 2019 Lifeline

DAP For Enterprises

There isn’t just one elephant in the room. There are two.

At least, that’s the case for enterprises today. They’ve got two major issues: digital transformation and change management.

digital transformation ebook for download

Digital transformation is certainly an issue. As of 2018, only 38% of traditional enterprises have adopted a digital business strategy. And yet, it can increase revenue by up to a third.

As for change management, digital transformation isn’t going to be successful without it. Enterprises are experiencing unprecedented amounts of change thanks to the digital revolution.

This is where the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) comes in. In this article, we’re going to address why a DAP for enterprises is a lifeline they can’t afford to ignore.   

DAP for enterprises: seamless digital transformation

Industry commentator, Manesh Dudharejia, has written many times about the importance of digital adoption to successful business transformation.

He says: “There cannot be digital transformation without leaders who have mastered the ins and outs of digital adoption.”

“Digital transformation…refers to the efforts needed to rewire the entirety of operations across an organization — in accordance with the constantly-evolving digital world. In order for this to work, a successful approach to digital adoption is crucial.”

So, why is adoption important? Because true digital adoption is what happens when an enterprise’s digital tools are being used effectively, as intended, and to their maximum capability.

Digital adoption is what happens when technology investments become invaluable assets.

Imagine your organization invests tens of thousands in a new HCM system as part of its digital transformation efforts.

Unless the system is adopted fully by its users, and quickly, your organization won’t be experiencing the benefits of the technology and your digital transformation will be unsuccessful.   

A DAP for enterprises is the CIO’s golden ticket to digital transformation — because it aids rapid adoption of digital systems.    

DAP for enterprises: change management that works

Any HR manager knows that 70% of change initiatives fail (McKinsey). This is a disheartening statistic considering how much change is required for a traditional enterprise to adapt to the digital age successfully.

Whenever a new intranet, application, feature, or update is rolled out, that change has to be managed effectively in order for it to work.

Change management is difficult at the best of times. But when you factor in multiple digital changes and thousands of employees, it’s no wonder enterprises are struggling to keep up with the digital world.

When it comes to digital roll-outs and changes, there’s no more effective change management tool than the DAP.

When new technology is implemented, the DAP assimilates to it and provides guidance to users while they’re using it.

If there’s a system update, new features, or navigational change, the DAP alerts users to it and incorporates the change into existing workflows.

The result, from a change management perspective, is change that is embedded into “the way we do things” easily and quickly. For users, transitions are seamless. So there is no resistance, confusion, or loss of productivity.

How does the DAP work?

The DAP for enterprises uses the latest innovations in AI, automation, and machine learning to facilitate rapid digital adoption.

  1. AI and machine learning allow the DAP to understand user behavior, provide personalized help, track likelihood to churn, and proactively keep users engaged.
  2. RPA — robotic process automation — allows the DAP to automate system tasks based on user input.

Who’s already using a DAP?

A user-friendly, platform agnostic piece of software, the DAP for enterprises really is the key to maximum profitability in the digital age.

These enterprises are already using a DAP and rate it highly:

  • Cisco
  • PayPal
  • Upwork
  • T-Mobile
  • HP
  • Adobe
  • Total Jobs
  • Royal Canin
  • BT
  • First Midwest Bank
  • Microsoft Bing
  • Royal Bank of Canada

How are they using the DAP?

Royal Bank of Canada talk about how they use the DAP as a change awareness tool.

With 80,000 employees at RBC and 190,000 RBC Express clients, the ability to target users and push messages for a period of time to identify key changes was invaluable.

“The amount of calls into our call centre was dramatically reduced because we leveraged [the DAP] as a change awareness and it’s a great tool to be able to do that.”
Tracey Metzger, Senior Manager RBC Express

For HP, the DAP has been a tool of customer care and innovation, allowing their business to evolve and transform.

Supplying large digital print presses, HP Indigo manages the support, training, and deployment of their product to customers.

“Initially we thought we’d just fulfill a few small [customer training] needs. … [but then], it became a tool of innovation. … My organization has developed a reputation for being the innovators. … It’s all because [the DAP] opened up a whole array of new options and ideas of how we could change and do things different.”
Richard Gines, Senior Manager HP Indigo  

So, whether your elephant in the room is change management or digital transformation — or employee onboarding or customer care — the DAP for enterprises is a lifeline to grab hold of in 2019.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.