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Why It’s Time To Get An Integrated Digital Customer Experience Platform

Customer Experience Platform

89% of companies are now competing primarily on the basis of customer experience (CX).  

Interestingly, 80% of companies believe they deliver “super experiences,” but only 8% of customers think the same.

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What does this tell us about today’s businesses? That they’re nowhere near achieving their CX ideals.

Enterprises need to stop, take a breath, and consider how a customer experience platform can help them to do better.

Today’s main customer experience problem

You’re probably aware of it already. You have so many channels, each attempting to deliver an excellent customer experience to potential purchasers. But they’re operating independently.

This is the great CX problem of today. It was a discussion point for analysts at Oracle Modern Customer Experience 2017 — check out the video below.

The world’s leading enterprises are using technology and a strategic approach to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience for their customers.

It all comes down to data and the removal of silos from that data, so businesses know exactly where customers have been on their journey so far, with each and every interaction.

The more successful organizations are at doing this, the more personalized the experience is going to be for their customers — and therefore the more positive.

Customer experience expert Shep Hyken writes in Forbes, “when customers do connect with you, they expect to be known”. Customers want to be valued and heard. Knowing where they’ve been and what they want is central to this.

Hyken goes on to confirm how important the seamless flow of data behind the scenes is to a great customer experience.

“Even though the interactions came across different channels, the person currently interacting with the customer must see them as one long conversation.”

This is where a customer experience platform comes in.

A customer experience platform for enterprises

When we talk about customer experience (CX) for enterprises, today we’re often talking about a digital experience. Websites, apps, digital communications channels, and other online tools play an integral role in the path to purchase.

So when we talk about a customer experience platform, what we mean is a piece of software that enhances, improves, or otherwise streamlines the buyer’s digital experience.   

You see, it’s all about the user. Just because digital technology is evolving and growing in terms of sophistication, it doesn’t mean the user will understand it quicker.

Improving the customer experience (CX)

Speed is of the essence. The longer it takes your potential or existing customer to become familiar with your digital platform(s), the more likely you are to lose them.

In this way, rapid and effective adoption is essential to the CX. And this is how the DAP is a successful customer experience platform.

To remind readers that aren’t familiar with this term, DAP stands for Digital Adoption Platform. Pioneered by WalkMe, the Digital Adoption Platform does what the name suggests — it facilitates adoption of digital tools.   

It improves the CX in 4 ways:

  1. The DAP accelerates the digital adoption process — it speeds up time to competency for any user on any platform, eliminating frustration and confusion.
  2. It guides users in a personalized and contextual way — the DAP can prompt customers and make suggestions, easing the path to purchase.
  3. It provides deep user adoption insights — businesses can learn exactly where customers are struggling with their digital tools, so they can make necessary changes.
  4. The DAP can act as a change awareness tool — when changes are made to your digital platform(s), it effortlessly streamlines the transition for users.

Because absolutely no coding or R&D effort is required, the DAP is a cost-effective and simple way to ensure your digital CX is on point at all times.

The benefits that arise as a result of using the DAP as a customer experience platform enable enterprises to get that bit closer to the goal of a seamless omnichannel CX.

Final words

As Shep Hyken puts it, “when technology doesn’t work together, neither can teams.

“When teams can’t work together, they can’t give a personalized customer experience. This frustrates both customers and employees.”

Enterprises that want to improve their CX need to consider a customer experience platform that provides insights and relieves buyer frustration.

The larger the organization, the more likely it is that customers are going to be interacting with you solely online. Their digital experience needs to be immaculate, joined up, and personalized.

In such a digital marketplace, data is the key to delivering a great customer experience. And adoption is the key to customers having a great experience.

Enterprises that aren’t using technology like the DAP to enhance their CX online are missing a trick. They will lose customers and lose business to their competitors.   

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.