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How to Improve Employee Training with Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) in the 2020s

improve employee training

Today, many businesses are exploring ways to improve their employee training efforts.

And it’s no wonder why…

digital transformation ebook for download

Today, there are a number of trends that make it difficult to maintain a skilled workforce.

First and foremost, there is the fact that in-demand skills are continually changing.

This is all thanks to the digital revolution and digital disruption.

Before learning how to improve employee training, though, it will be useful to understand the problem that organizations face in today’s digital economy.

That context will help us understand which training method is most suitable for the digital era.

The Problem: Digital Disruption, Transformation, and Perpetual Change

Today, there are a number of global changes that are transforming the way we live and do business.

These trends are having a large impact on organizations and their ability to compete.

Let’s look at a few of these concepts in more detail:

Digital Disruption

Digital disruption occurs when an innovative new product enters the marketplace and fundamentally alters the way things are done.

These changes are considered “disruptive” because:

  • They can affect and fundamentally alter business models and processes
  • These changes often threaten the survival of existing organizations and businesses
  • To stay competitive, organizations must make significant changes

Uber is a prime example of a disruptive business.

They used technology to disrupt the very way that taxi services operate. And, as a result, taxi services have been under fire on a global scale.

Many taxi services and governments responded by regulating or restricting ride sharing apps such as Uber.

However, this approach is doomed to fail – and no business should respond to disruption by resisting or ignoring it.

Instead, they should adapt and innovate as quickly as possible.

In other words, they should undergo digital transformation.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of leveraging new technologies to transform:

  • Existing business models
  • Delivery systems
  • The way organizations deliver value to their customers

And so forth.

True digital transformation is a large scale change that involves many pieces.

According to Deloitte, for instance, it is an organizational change that involves several steps, including:

  • Developing a digital transformation strategy
  • Adopting an agile mindset
  • Evolving the business model
  • Digital adoption
  • Enhancing digital capabilities
  • Revising the operating model
  • Enabling customer success
  • Fundamentally changes to people, process, and technology

In other words, digital transformation should not be just a buzz word – it should be a concrete, step-by-step organizational transformation.

However, there is one thing that organizations should realize about change in today’s marketplace.

Change is never-ending…

Perpetual Change

The digital revolution may come to an end some day, but so far the end is not in sight.

This means that organizations must be prepared for perpetual organizational change.

Organizations, in other words, must adopt new mindsets and strategies in order to stay competitive and relevant.

For instance:

  • Continual organizational change is becoming the norm
  • Businesses must become innovative and forward-thinking
  • The more agile and adaptable a business is, the more quickly it will be able to evolve
  • To stay relevant, the workforce must also adapt

Perpetual change, in other words, has resulted in another major trend…

Perpetual Learning

Continual transformation requires that organizations continually adopt new technology, new business processes, and new workflows.

This means that employees must continually learn new things.

And it means that organizations must establish effective training systems to teach them.

The quality of that training will determine many things, including:

Training quality, in other words, plays a critical role in workforce productivity, organizational performance, and organizational competitiveness.

To stay relevant in the digital age, therefore, organizations must adopt training solutions that are effective and cost-efficient.

One Solution: Improve Employee Training with Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs)

Digital adoption platforms (DAPs) are specifically built to facilitate digital transformation.

These automated training solutions help organizations stay competitive and productive, even in today’s fast-paced business ecosystem.

There are several benefits to implementing a DAP in the workplace, such as:

  • Streamlined employee onboarding, user onboarding, and product onboarding
  • Product training that is more efficient and effective
  • A better user experience, which improves engagement while decreasing frustration levels
  • Lower technical support costs
  • A more productive workforce

DAPs are built around a core set of training features, including:

  • Contextualized, in-app assistance that offers guidance in the moment of need
  • Step-by-step walkthroughs and tutorials that train new users automatically, without the need of human intervention
  • Software analytics that offer insight into user behavior and training needs
  • Task automation that can improve business process performance, while freeing up users’ time for more useful activities

These features, combined into a single platform, are a powerful solution to the problems and trends presented earlier.

Effective use of DAPs can help organizations improve employee training, maintain a skilled workforce, and stay competitive in the digital age.

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Digital Adoption Team
Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.