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10 Digital Transformation Tactics, Strategies, and Tips

digital transformation tactics

The right digital transformation tactics can help your business survive, compete, and thrive in the digital age.

A solid digital adoption and transformation program can help your company:

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  • Stay ahead of the technology curve – so your business doesn’t fall behind in the global digital economy
  • Prepare your workforce for tomorrow’s trends – so they don’t slip backward in the digital skills race
  • Make your workplace more satisfying and human-centered – the right application of technology puts humans first, creating a happier work environment

Below, we’ll look at some ways to help you accomplish these goals.

10 Digital Transformation Tactics, Strategies, and Tips

Just implementing a couple of these tips can put you ahead of the digital curve…

1. Analyze Your Competitive Technological Position 

Step one is to understand where you stand in terms of technology.

And, more importantly, you need to understand how technology affects your marketplace position.

Look at digital technology that affects your:

  • Internal business functions, in everything from accounting to inventory
  • Customer-facing products and services
  • Infrastructure, including hardware-related technology

Be objective about how these technologies either aid you … or hurt you.

2. Choose a Digital Transformation Strategy

Once you know where you stand, you can create a digital transformation strategy.

This strategy should tackle the opportunity areas you discovered above.

Design an approach that:

  • Improves your long-term competitive outlook
  • Is aimed at ongoing organizational development
  • Takes a holistic approach, improving the top-down organizational strategy, as well as bottom-up employee experiences

A digital transformation strategy should be integrated with your business strategy.

With that strategy in place, you can begin adopting, deploying, and implementing technology.

3. Adopt Technology the Right Way

A digital adoption program should be sophisticated and well-executed.

There are a few reasons why businesses should have a solid digital adoption program:

  • Technology adoption never ends – permanent change is the new norm
  • Effective, efficient adoption cuts costs and adoption timelines
  • A good digital adoption program also uses tools to improve employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction

For instance, digital adoption platforms (DAPs) such as WalkMe are can dramatically improve results.

After all, digital literacy, skill levels, and engagement rates directly impact the ROI of your digital technology.

4. Assess Impacts, Analyze Maturity

Is your organization digitally mature?

A digital maturity level gauges:

  • Technology adoption rates
  • Implementation and utilization of that technology across business functions
  • Digital transformation strategy
  • The integration of digital strategy with organizational strategy

Among other things.

Understanding where your organization lies on the digital maturity scale will tell you how much you need to transform.

5. Change Your People

The culture of a company also affects digital transformation initiatives.

A culture should be:

  • Innovative and creative
  • Open to new technologies
  • Ready to test new business ideas
  • Digitally savvy

The right company culture will be able to innovate and implement new ideas quickly.

Cultivating a culture that is agile and innovative will help your company stay resilient in the years to come.

6. Drive Results with Data

Data should drive your results. 

There are a few key ways to leverage data:

  • Use data to gain insights into the current state of the organization and the market
  • Develop predictive models based on that data
  • Inform decision-making
  • Analyze business functions, digital adoption programs, and change initiatives

Some have called data the new oil – and rightly so. It can be your most valuable asset when undertaking any business endeavor.

7. Train, Educate, Re-Skill, and Upskill

Preparing for organizational change and digital transformation are impossible without the right skills.

Using a DAP, such as WalkMe, can help you:

  • Streamline onboarding
  • Train, educate, re-skill, and upskill
  • Automate processes
  • Fuel growth and accelerate transformation

To name a few things.

Training not only helps your organization achieve its objectives, it also helps employees meet their own goals. 

This, in turn, creates a better work environment.

8. Put Digital First

Digital-first businesses understand the value of technology.

They understand the value in emerging technology trends, such as:

  • AI, RPA, and automation
  • Data-driven tools
  • AR and VR
  • Mobile-driven business practices

These types of digital-first models have fueled many successful companies – not to mention entire industries.

9. Prioritize the Human Experience

A digital change management approach can still be human-centric.

And it should be.

Putting humans at the center of your business model does a few things:

  • Employee-centered experiences keep your workplace modern and meaningful
  • User-driven business models help you create products users want and need
  • Customer feedback and data fuels more enjoyable, profitable experiences

Remember that technology is a tool – a very critical tool, but a tool nonetheless. 

If you focus on technology and lose sight of your customers, you risk alienating the very people who pay the bills.

10. Question Everything

According to Julian Weber, Head of Retail at Shell: 

“The change coming from digital is so fundamental that we have to question everything we have in the organization.”

In your organization, do the same.

Question all of your tools, techniques, practices, and strategies.

By questioning everything, you open yourself up to new ideas, innovations, and approaches.

Doing so will help you develop new approaches to old problems – and spot new opportunities in the market.

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Digital Adoption Team

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