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Digital Transformation Wiki: What Wikipedia Doesn’t Tell You

Digital transformation wiki

Did you know how easy it is to contribute to Wikipedia? The answer is, very.

“Everyone is encouraged to copy-edit articles, add content and create new articles if they have knowledge about the topic at hand or are willing to do the necessary research to improve it,” Wikipedia says.

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The free online encyclopedia even admits, “perfection is not required.” So, just bear that in mind when you type “digital transformation wiki” into Google. 

Because Wikipedia isn’t perfect, we’re going to cover what you need to know about digital transformation here — including what the digital transformation wiki article doesn’t say.

Digital transformation wiki: what you need to know

If you type into Google, “digital transformation wiki”, the first result will be the digital transformation Wikipedia page. It says this:

“Digital Transformation (DT) is the novel use of digital technology to solve traditional problems. These digital solutions enable new types of innovation and creativity, rather than simply enhance and support traditional methods.”

It goes on to explain that digitization leads to digitalization. Digitization is the process of “converting analog information into digital form” (i.e. numeric, binary format, as zeros and ones).

The authors define digitalization as the ‘business process’ of technology-driven change within industries, organizations, markets and branches.

Digital transformation wiki: what Wikipedia doesn’t tell you 

Wikipedia then talks about digital transformation as “the total and overall societal effect of these processes.

But we don’t think this quite covers it.

Digital transformation is an outcome but also an ongoing process that needs to be driven strategically by CIOs and/or a team of people responsible for change. 

Wikipedia’s explanation of digital transformation assumes that if digitization and digitalization come about, then digital transformation will naturally follow. This is not the case. 

In fact, this is the biggest mistake that enterprises make and one possible reason why 84% of companies fail at digital transformation.

The missing link is “how”

What the search term “digital transformation wiki” doesn’t tell you is how to make digital transformation happen within organizations, societies, and other groups of people.

Digital adoption is the key to making digital transformation happen. 

All Wikipedia says about adoption is this: “When planning for digital transformation, organizations must factor the cultural changes they’ll confront as workers and organizational leaders adjust to adopting and relying on unfamiliar technologies.”

Yes, digital adoption is a potential barrier to digital transformation. If workers and organizational leaders can’t “adjust to adopting and relying on unfamiliar technologies” quickly enough, successful transformation is at risk.

Digital adoption is being talked about more and more. And with good reason. It’s what happens when you achieve that state “in which digital tools are being used as intended, and to their fullest extent.” 

Looking at it the other way around, if digital tools are not being used as intended, to their fullest capacity, then digital transformation cannot take place.

However, digital adoption does not come easily. Common barriers to successful digital adoption are:

  1. Resistance to change
  2. Poor leadership
  3. Updates and legacy systems
  4. Outdated processes

So, how can organizations overcome these barriers, ensure successful digital adoption and therefore pave the way for digital transformation? 

The answer is with a digital adoption solution. This is a category that has recently been officially recognized by Gartner and emcompasses tools like the original Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), which are specifically designed to aid adoption. 

How the DAP aids digital transformation

Traditional enterprises with deep rooted systems and processes must undergo large scale disruptive change to become digitally dextrous. So it’s imperative that customers and employees adopt digital tools with ease. 

Digital transformation begins with disruption; the nature of individual employee roles must change in order to accommodate new technology. 

Naturally, this can result in friction. But the DAP makes the adoption process frictionless and simple. An advanced, AI-driven solution, this piece of software can be applied to any digital tool being adopted.

Some of the benefits as far as digital transformation goes include:

  • Smooths transition periods
  • Simplifies user experience 
  • Shortens time-to-competency for software training
  • Keeps pace with updates and new features
  • Identifies obstacles and opportunities to engage


Information discovered via the digital transformation wiki page could lead enterprises to believe that digital transformation is as simple as 1, 2, 3. First comes digitization, then digitalization, and then digital transformation naturally follows.

This is misleading and wholly inaccurate.

Business leaders need to understand that digital adoption is the missing link between digitalization and digital transformation, and adoption comes with a host of its own challenges. 

However, these can be overcome with awareness of the potential barriers to success and the right tools (like the DAP) to execute a coherent digital adoption strategy. These are the essentials for successful digital transformation

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