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Customer Success With DAP: Giving Customers What They Want

Customer Success With DAP

For enterprises today, what customers want is the same as it’s always been. Except today, it’s multiplied a thousand-fold.  

Customers have always wanted good value, good service, and ease of use. But with more and more competition in the marketplace, the customer has considerably more power today than 50, 30, or even 10 years ago.

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The advent of the internet and the digitalization of businesses has resulted in much of the buying experience taking place online. So successful digital adoption for customers has become extremely important.

This is the idea behind customer success with DAP.

What customers want in the digital age

The digital world moves quickly and is full of noise. As the internet grows, our attention spans get shorter. It’s harder to get customers’ attention and it’s harder to keep their business.

In the digital age, it’s not enough to generate customer satisfaction. The faintest hint of friction during the customer experience could result in churn.

According to the NewVoiceMedia’s 2018 “Serial Switchers” report, “Brands are failing to create the positive, emotional experiences that drive customer loyalty.”

Enterprises need to be surpassing buyers’ super-high expectations in every way, with:

  1. Customer onboarding
  2. Customer experience
  3. Customer service

This is why enterprises like Microsoft Bing,, HP, and eMoney Advisor are striving for customer success with DAP.  

Customer success with DAP: 3 huge benefits

1. The DAP makes customer onboarding easier and quicker

Quick and easy customer onboarding is an essential aspect of customer success. When introducing customers to your systems and/or digital products, it’s important the adoption process is simple and seamless.

If it’s not, you’re already losing customer experience points and risking churn.

The DAP is a guidance layer that’s applied to your digital product. It provides all the help customers need as soon as they login to use it.

They’re immediately exposed to all the beneficial features and capabilities of your digital product, which means they can enjoy those benefits sooner.

Instead of spending hours in onboarding sessions, or going through training manuals, the DAP uses contemporary technology to provide customers with all the relevant support.

So, they can become productive (and happy) using your product sooner, while you can reduce onboarding costs.

The DAP’s provision of personalized, in-app help, in real-time, is central to rapid adoption and a good customer experience.  

2. The DAP makes customer training more effective

Not only does the DAP make the onboarding process quicker and easier, it’s also more effective overall.

Since there are no learning and forgetting curves associated with traditional training methods, customers have the capability to be more creative and innovative with their time.

This is where customer success with DAP becomes so much more than a smooth path to purchase and good user experience. The DAP is an enabler. It helps your digital product to be fulfil its highest potential quickly, which in turn allows your customers to do so.

The DAP breaks down the inevitable usage barriers between your digital product and your customers, so both can perform at maximum capability.

Whenever there’s a change or update to your system, customers can be notified and walked through the latest features without needing in-person training time. This is a huge relief to your sales and/or support staff.

3. The DAP improves customer experience (CX) and customer service

Every enterprise today has some sort of digital offering, even if it’s simply a website. In fact, for many enterprises, that website is pivotal in the development of a positive customer experience (CX).

Your website is where your customers go looking for information. It may also be where they make purchases and enquiries, lodge issues and complaints.

As call centres become increasingly overburdened, more and more customers go online to seek resolutions. Customer service has been digitalized. AI, virtual assistants, and chatbots now answer queries on behalf of human customer service reps.  

But customers are missing that personal, human experience that generates connection and customer loyalty.

A DAP overlaid to a website or app can help to provide that personalization. Using AI and machine learning, the DAP understands user behavior, predicts likelihood to churn, and proactively engages with customers at the right time.  

Businesses achieving customer success with DAP

Microsoft Bing uses the DAP to onboard customers to their advertising platform. It helps with customer service by resolving common customer pain points with tailored advice, increases new feature adoption, and accelerates the onboarding process.

HP uses the DAP not only to onboard customers to their sophisticated printing presses quickly, but also to facilitate innovation.

Richard Gines at HP Indigo says, “it became a tool of innovation. […] It’s all because [the DAP] opened up a whole array of new options and ideas of how we could change and do things different.”

Final words

Enabling your customers to be successful should always be a priority, whether you manufacture and sell bamboo socks or enterprise software. It’s about adding value and supporting your customers to be the best they can be.

In the digital age, customer success with DAP is a no-brainer. The DAP offers a simple, cost-effective, user-friendly way to onboard, service, and engage your customers from their very first digital interaction with you.

It’s as close to a silver bullet solution as we’re ever going to get!

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